We are Christians

We believe that the Bible is God's written word, through which we are equipped for all things pertaining to life and godliness.

We also believe that Jesus of Nazareth really did rise from the dead, validating every claim He made,

and making Him the Christ who defeats Satan, sin, and death.

We believe that the resurrection is the means through which God is bringing about 

a new creation which makes all things new, and people like us (fallen, broken, lost people!) can get in on it.

The future is incredibly bright for everyone who knows Jesus.

We are Gospel-centered

We believe that we are sinful people who need to be saved, and that God, who is merciful and loving, saves.

We believe that we're saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus.

We believe that Jesus' death and resurrection are the only solution to the world's foundational problems.

We can't save ourselves - only the risen Christ can.

We further believe that these truths are to be shared with others, that they would find life in Jesus.

We are loosely associated with the Gospel Coalition - a coalition of like-minded churches focusing on sound doctrine and evangelism.

We are Baptist

We hold that local churches are made up of believers in Jesus, and thus can, under His headship,

make their own decisions about what is best for their ministry.

We don't believe that baptism is meant to be given to children who haven't professed faith,

but only to those who understand the Gospel and are submitted to Jesus.

We are a part of the Venture Church Network (formerly Conservative Baptist Churches), Mid-Atlantic Region,

a group of like-minded Baptist churches, seeking to make disciples in the Mid-Atlantic Region and beyond.

We are not perfect, but Jesus is

We are not a perfect church, but we belong to a perfect God.

The church has rightly been called a “hospital for sinners”,

where Jesus, the great physician, is in the business of healing all who come to him with their need.

We are banding together to follow Jesus and tap into His life so we can be who we're made to be in Him.

We want to be friends, neighbors, and servants of Newton, Sussex County, and our surrounding area.

If you come hang around First Baptist, you'll see that we're here to help bear one another's burdens as we go deeper with Jesus.

And we'd love it if you'd join us.



We are here for you

We love the Bible, God's Word

We believe that when the Bible is open, God speaks.  We want to have ears to hear what He has said, and share it with others.  In a day of competing truth claims, we believe the Old and New Testaments contain God's absolute truth about Himself, us, sin, judgment, Jesus, and all that He the Creator has decided we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).

We want people to know Jesus

We believe that we've been commissioned as disciples of Jesus Christ to make more disciples (Matthew 28:18).  We've been transformed by His amazing grace and want to share that grace with others.

We love Newton and want to be good neighbors

We value the blessing of having a lengthy history (almost 200 years) as a Bible-believing church, with a prime location just down the road from the center of Newton.  We consider our neighbors, both immediate and further, to be our responsibility to serve and love, as Jesus Christ continues to love and serve us (Acts 17:25).

We are committed to prayer

We believe that all good comes from God in heaven (John 3:33, James 1:17).  Since Jesus told his disciples to pray without ceasing (Luke 18:1-6), we want to regularly be lifting our needs and requests to God together.  We have prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.


A church that loves Jesus and loves you

While we have a blended service of traditional and newer music, our goal is that the Gospel of new life in Jesus Christ permeates all we do and say on Sunday mornings.  We believe that if people come together to pursue Jesus, they're already being pursued by Him. 

Thus, when you come, you're among friends who are there for the same reason you are. 

Come relaxed, dressed however is comfortable for you, and know that you're home. 

Our service usually runs from 11am to shortly after 12, often ten after.